"It's Going To Be All Right!"
How many times have we said those words or similar ones to someone who is hurting or in some sort of crisis? How many times have we heard those words? When someone is hurting, they don't need to hear platitudes such as above. They want to know you understand their pain. Deep down we all know that eventually, "It will be alright!" But, in the midst of pain, sorrow, and/or suffering those words sound hollow and meaningless. I don't want to be told that, "it will be okay." I want someone to reflect back to me that they understand I'm hurting and that it's no fun. Imagine this conversation: You: I just found out my best friend has cancer. Your friend: That's awful! But it's going to be okay. Everything always works out. Compare that with this: You: I just found out my best friend has cancer. Your friend: Oh, that's awful. You must feel so much sorrow and helplessness right now. You probably feel pretty scared, too. Which reson...