Good for the Soul

I've been reading a daily devotional entitled God's Abundance--365 Days to a More Meaningful Life edited by Kathy Collard Miller.The reading for April 2 was so good that I wanted to pass it on. This particular day was submitted by Kitty Bucholtz and titled "Lenten Sacrifice." I know that we are way past Lent and the entire Easter season but this article is just too good, in my opinion, not to pass on. I've been thinking about it since I read it and thought you might enjoy it, too. Here goes:

During the Ash Wednesday message last year, the priest challenged each of us to give up praying for ourselves for the entire Lenten season. We were to pray only for others, or in Thanksgiving. At first, I resisted the idea. My husband and I were having some severe financial hardships and had just begun new jobs. It was flu season. I could not imagine giving up praying for myself.

As a child I memorized the Bible verse about praying without ceasing, and over the years it had become a way of life. I prayed for the people I passed on the road, the homeless people I saw on the street, my neighbor yelling at his wife. I also prayed constantly for myself; for finding my car keys, losing weight, getting to work on time.

But I could feel the urge to accept the challenge tickling the inside of my head. Okay, God, I relented. I get the feeling You want me to try this. And with that I left church feeling lighthearted and ready to pray.

I never would have imagined how hard it is not to pray for yourself! I came down with the flu two days later and started to pray, Dear Lord, please help...John to not get sick. I was driving to work, and realizing I would be late, began, God please...thank you for helping me to be on time most of the time. I spent a lunch hour working on a new book idea, trying to find that illusive thought I'd been waiting for for days. Lord...Thank you for all the ideas in my head. I know I'll find the right one. It was getting easier! While paying our bills, I thought about how much we were short and thought to pray for help, but instead prayed, Dear Lord, thank you so much for always helping us and never letting us down.

I prayed for others more than I ever had before. I prayed for my co-worker and her teenage daughter. I prayed for my manager and his wife and newborn baby. I prayed for my friend who was in a car accident, and for my friend who had two horses fall on top of her.

And I began to feel the abundance of praying for others and thanking God for what I have without asking for more: God answered my long-standing prayer to feel more peace and contentment in life. I am more understanding of people because I spend more time praying for their problems. I worry about things less because I "can't" pray for them, so I thank God instead for the blessings I already have. I am truly turning a new page in my life's chapter of abundant living.

I never would have imagined that such a simple step could have created such abundance in my attitudes. I challenge you to make a similar experiment. You may be surprised at how God uses it.

I thought this was a simple and effective way to think more of others, less of yourself and have a greater sense of gratitude. I'm off to praying...


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